Welcome to
Alwyn Infant School

Reception Pupil
"There is lots of fun stuff to play with."
Curriculum development is one of our strategic priorities.
We call this Understanding the World and our vision for it is:
The curriculum is coherently planned, sequenced and well taught so children are able to learn. Rich experiences in and outside the classroom, beyond school and in the wider community help them to make sense of the world. Children have good emotional, mental and physical health. Diversity and equality are celebrated and promoted throughout our curriculum and in community events. Oracy and communication are prioritised throughout our curriculum to give children the tools they need for the next stage of their education.
To help parents support their children in school we run several information afternoons. Some are year group specific while others are related to particular subjects. We would recommend these sessions but also upload the presentations here in case anyone cannot attend.
Parents/carers have been able to see the resources that are used and we have shared ideas on how they can support at home.
Our most important message is to read. Read books to your children and hear them read their school books every day. This makes a huge difference to their learning, curiosity and love of reading.
Below are the different presentations that have been shared with parents this year.