Welcome to
Alwyn Infant School

"My children are inspired by the topics covered ."
Year 2 Parent
Message from our chair of governors
On behalf of the governors of the Alwyn and Courthouse Federation, I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to our schools.
I am proud to chair the board of governors of these two exceptional schools and I am also fortunate to be working with such a strong governing board comprising skilled, experienced and committed individuals who have a deep knowledge of the local community.
Our role is to set the strategic direction for federation, working closely with our Executive Headteacher and to support and complement the skills of the senior leadership teams to deliver on our mission of ensuring every child receives not only an excellent academic education but the knowledge, skills and experiences to help them thrive and become fully committed citizens of tomorrow. We ensure the schools have a clear vision, direction, and ethos. We oversee the financial performance of the schools in these very challenging times to ensure that the money the school receives is spent wisely.
Alwyn and Courthouse are wonderful places and all of us who serve the school as governors are immensely proud of the fantastic achievements of those attending and working at the school, and we would like to thank parents for their interest in supporting and maintaining our strong partnership with the local community.
We wish your child every success and happiness and will do all in our power to ensure that together we build a future where every child is flourishing.
Chandra Kunder
Please find below details of how the Alwyn and Courthouse Federation is governed, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each governor.
Governors can be contacted through the clerk to governors at clerk@alwynandcourthouse.co.uk.