Welcome to
Alwyn Infant School

"I like English and making shadow puppets."
Year 2 Pupil
School Day
Year Group

11.45pm - 12.45pm

Year 1
12pm - 1pm

Year 2
12.20pm - 1.20pm

Children are at school for 32.5 hours per week.
The school gates open at 8.40 am. For the safety of our children, the school gates are locked promptly at 9am. After this time, access to Alwyn School is through the main Reception.
Morning Snack
Children are provided with a healthy snack of fruit or raw vegetables to eat at playtime.
All of our children are eligible for the Universal Free School Meal scheme and water is always available. Each class has its own Lunchtime Controller, who cares for the class each day.
Lunches are ordered online, in advance.
Our reception children, who are under 5 years old, can have a drink of cold milk, free of charge, as can all of our pupil premium children.
Children in reception, who are over 5 years old and Years 1 and 2 can have milk at playtime if parents or carers register with Coolmilk and make the subsidised payments. Further information can be obtained from the school office or www.coolmilk.com
Water bottles
Children are encouraged to bring in a water bottle each day that can remain in the classroom. We have cold water points around the school for refills.
Collections at the End of the Day
Children are tired at the end of the school day, so please make every effort to be on time. If a different person is collecting your child, please tell the teacher in advance, in writing or by email. In an emergency, or if you are unavoidably delayed, please let us know and the children will be looked after until someone can collect them.
For their own safety, children are not allowed out of school until they are handed over to their parent/carer or authorised adult. Children under 16 are not permitted to collect from Alwyn.